Since the foundation of INTEGRACION JUVENIL, more than 45 years ago, its mission has been to offer care to children and adolescents in situations of psychosocial risk, through special educational programs, all supported thanks to the collaboration of the Ministry of Education.
These projects are to promote peaceful coexistence, harmonizing individual and collective interests so as to avoid conflicts that generate violence as much as possible. As our profile of children is known, they are among the most vulnerable in our city.
Its implementation aims to continue improving contexts such as family problems that indisputably affect development as a person and behavior, so the family must be involved in the execution of activities.
The greatest weakness faced by the school was disruptive behavior and violence among students, this led to a study on the causes and consequences of behavioral problems, so we carried out this project aimed at healthy coexistence in search of a culture of peace and involving the entire educational community. We are already seeing fewer children on the streets and in the institution they are behaving appropriately for their age and customs.
For all the above, we emphasize the importance of these projects because the entire educational community will value the development of attitudes of acceptance based on respect, tolerance and understanding.